Mt. Pleasant Ice Arena

Disembodied legs ending in ice skates on the ice with text "Ice Skating" 

Mt. Pleasant Ice Arena is owned and operated by Baltimore City Recreation and Parks. This NHL, regulation-size rink is where kids of all ages have grown up. It’s an active space that’s known for birthday parties, family reunions, fundraisers, Skate with Santa, broomball, ice hockey, figure skating, and much, much more!

Public Skate Sessions

Public sessions are traditionally two hours long. Depending upon the number of skaters, our sessions may include a brief break midway through the session. During this time, staff will ask skaters to clear the ice, while an ice-cut takes place. We monitor the ice for all sessions however, a skate guard may not always be on duty, especially during our smaller, weekday sessions.  As always, skaters participate at their own risk.

Public Sessions: $5 Admission, $3 Skates, Skate Aids: $5

Beginning September 3 thru May 31, 2025:

  • Monday: 12-2 p.m.
  • Tuesday12-2 p.m.
  • Wednesday12-2 p.m.
  • Thursday: 12-2 p.m.
  • Friday: Closed
  • Saturday: 35 p.m. and 8:30–10:30 p.m.
  • Sunday: 3–5 p,m.

Freestyle Skate Sessions

Freestyle Sessions are designed for coaches training figure skaters skating at the freestyle level or above as defined by the United States Figure Skating Association. Freestyle sessions are not for beginner skaters and unlike Public Sessions, are not open to the general public. You must provide your skates and be proficient in at least the Free Skate 1 USFS level.

All skaters using these sessions must understand the patterns used on the ice. Figure skaters may work on moves-in-the-field, ice dancing, jumps, and spins as well as their routines with music. Baltimore City Recreation & Parks intend to provide competitive figure skaters a safe and productive environment to practice their skills and routines through these freestyle sessions.

Freestyle Sessions: $13

Freestyle Card: Freestyle Cards are available $150.00 for 15 sessions.

Beginning September 3 thru May 31, 2025:

  • Monday: 8:30–9:30 a.m. and 9:30–10:30 a.m.
  • Tuesday:  9–10 a.m., 10–11 a.m., and 11–12 p.m.
  • Wednesday: 8:30–9:30 a.m. and 9:30–10:30 a.m.
  • Thursday:  9–10 a.m., 10–11 a.m., and 11–12 p.m.
  • Friday thru Sunday: No scheduled sessions


Programs at Mt.Pleasant

To learn more about the Learn to Skate programs or to register please visit the Baltimore City Recreation and Parks website.

Scroll to bottom of catalog – select “Special Facilities Program”
Select the session you are interested in.

2025 Learn to Skate Session 2-2025 (Tuesday)

6-week session for $100.00 for ages 5-adult
30-minute lesson | 30-minute practice | 3 passes to public session 
Tuesday, February 18 – March 25, 2025; 5:00 - 6:00 pm
Registration dates:  February 2 - 16, 2025

2025 Home School Learn to Skate Session 2-2025 (Wednesday)

6-week session for $100.00 for ages 5-18
30-minute lesson | 30-minute practice | 3 passes to public session 
Wednesday, February 19 – March 26, 2025; 11:00 am-12 noon
Registration dates:  February 2 – 16, 2025

2025 Learn to Skate Session 2-2025 (Saturday)

5-week session for $84.00 for ages 5-adult (Snowplow 1 -- Basic 6 levels)
30-minute lesson | 30-minute practice | 3 passes to public session
Saturday, March 1 – March 29, 2025; 1:30 - 2:30 pm
Registration dates:  February 2 – February  23, 2025

2025 Learn to Skate Session 3-2025 (Tuesday)

6-week session for $100.00 for ages 5-adult (Snowplow 1 -- Basic 6 levels)
30-minute lesson | 30-minute practice | 3 passes to public session
Saturday, April 1– May 6, 2025; 5:00 - 6:00 pm
Registration dates:  March 16 - 30, 2025

2025 Home School Learn to Skate Session 3-2025 (Wednesday)

6-week session for $100.00 for ages 5-18
30-minute lesson | 30-minute practice | 3 passes to public session 
Wednesday, April 2 – May 7, 2025; 11:00 am-12 noon
Registration dates:  March 16 - 30, 2025


Memberships Fees:


  • The Freestyle Membership card is a card that costs $150 and allows the card-holder to skate 15 freestyle sessions
  • This card can be re-loaded once the 15 visits have been used 
  • There is no expiration date 

FREQUENT SKATER CARD – this can be used at any public skate session for admission only; it does not include rental skates. 

  • The Frequent Skater Card costs $50 and allows the card-holder to skate 12 public skate sessions
  • This card can be re-loaded once the 12 visits have been used 
  • There is no expiration date 
  • This does not include rental skates; they would need to be paid for. 

COACH MEMBERSHIP CARD – this card is good for all Freestyle & Public Skate sessions, but the cardholder must present USFSA or PSA Ice Skating Coach Certification & Proof of their Insurance Certificate before purchasing – please ask if you need clarification on this. 

  • The Coach Membership Card costs $300 for the year, running July 1 through June 30.
  • This card does expire every June 30th.  

Rental Spaces

Mt. Pleasant has one ice rink, a multipurpose room that overlooks the ice rink, a smaller conference room and a front lobby, all of which are available for rental. For bookings, please complete the special facility application here, and email it to

The arena does have a limited quantity of skate helpers available for rental as well on a first-come, first-serve basis. The rental charge for the skate helper covers the duration of the public skate session. There are no refunds or partial refunds if a skate helper is only used for a portion of the session.

Skating Prices

Ice Rental: $210hr
Ice cut charge w/ in rental: $60 hour
Multi-Purpose Room Rental: $90 hour
Small Conference Room Rental: $90 hour
Birthday Party in Lobby: 12ppl max, 2 tables: $50 hour

Management reserves the right to restrict the use of skate helpers during busy public sessions.

Contact Information

6101 Hillen Rd. Baltimore, Md. 21239

For hours of operation, programming and pricing, call the mainline at 443-984-4075 and Inclement Weather Line at 410-396-5789

For booking inquiries, call the event booking number at 410-545-1978 or via email at

For venue tours, contact Ra Brave at 410-545-1978 between 10:00am-4:00pm

Event Booking hours of operation: Monday - Friday 10am-4pm