Note: Some of the maps are large in size and can take a while to download depending on your connection speed.
Neighborhood Tree Canopy Map
How much tree canopy covers your neighborhood? This map is based on high-resolution aerial imagery. It shows trees, their leaves, and branches, covering our front and back lawns, sidewalks, medians, parks, and institutions. Notice where there are concentrations of trees and why.
Large Private Property Potential Tree Planting Sites
Take a look at the largest properties in the city. These are schools, parks, cemeteries, colleges, hospitals, and industrial areas. These are some of the best locations to plant large numbers of trees.
Read More About Large Private Property Potential Tree Planting Sites
Constellation Energy Focus Neighborhoods
The TreeBaltimore Constellation Energy partnership aims to educate residents, plant, and care for trees. During the first year, 16 neighborhoods were chosen for intense outreach. Postcards were mailed, volunteers went door to door, street banners were hung and ads were displayed on buses. At City College High School, 123 trees were planted.
East Neighborhood Tree Canopy Poster
In this East Baltimore map, you can see the trees in Patterson Park and the forests of Armistead Gardens. Along the water, there are large open areas where more trees are needed. In neighborhoods with few trees, look for available planting space at schools, churches, and along our streets.
Highlandtown Tree Pit Inventory
A street tree pit inventory was completed by a Towson University student. This map shows the locations of all existing trees, empty tree pits, and possible locations for new tree pits. This is a great way for neighbors to survey trees in their neighborhoods and plan for future plantings.